Description of the CEUS-SSC Project Database

A.3.1 Workflow
A.3.2 Digital Data
A.3.3 Nondigital Data

Sheet A-1 - General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO)

Sheet A-2 - CEUS-SSC Earthquake Catalog Compilation

Sheet A-3 - Bedrock Geology and Extended Crust after Kanter (1994)

Sheet A-4 - Crustal Provinces after Rohs and Van Schmus (2007)

Sheet A-5 - Database of the Geologic Map of North America - Adapted from by J.C. Reed, Jr. et al. (2005)

Sheet A-6 - Compilation of Geologic Cross Sections

Sheet A-7 - Precambrian Crustal Boundary by Van Schmus et al. (1996)

Sheet A-8 - Precambrian Geology and Features after Reed (1993)

Sheet A-9 - Precambrian Provinces after Van Schmus et al. (2007)

Sheet A-10 - Precambrian Units after Whitmeyer and Karlstrom (2007)

Sheet A-11 - Surficial Materials in the Conterminous United States

Sheet A-12 - USGS Crustal Database - Seismic Properties of North America and the Surrounding Ocean Basins

Sheet A-13 - Sediment Thickness for North America and Neighboring Regions

Sheet A-14 - USGS Physiographic Divisions of the Conterminous United States

Sheet A-15 - CEUS-SSC Gravity Anomaly Database Grids

Sheet A-16 - SMU Geothermal Laboratory Regional Heat Flow Database

Sheet A-17 -Full-Spectrum Magnetic Anomaly Database for the Central and Eastern United States

Sheet A-18 - CEUS-SSC Paleoliquefaction Database

Sheet A-19 - CEUS Compilation of Seismic Refraction/Reflection Lines, various authors

Sheet A-20 - USGS National Seismic Hazard Maps Seismic Zones - 2008

Sheet A-21 - Calais - Deformation of the North American Plate Interior Using GPS Station Data

Sheet A-22 - World Stress Map of 2008 Updated by Owen Hurd, Stanford University

Sheet A-23 - CEUS-SSC Study Area Boundary

Sheet A-24 - Faults and Seismic Areas Associated with Quaternary Seismicity, USGS Quaternary Fault and Fold Database

Sheet A-25 - Data for Quaternary Faults, Liquefaction Features, and Possible Tectonic Features in the CEUS

Sheet A-26 - Mesozoic Rift Basins after Benson (1992)

Sheet A-27 - Mesozoic Rift Basin after Dennis et al. (2004)

Sheet A-28 - Mesozoic Rift Basins after Schlische (1993)

Sheet A-29 - Mesozoic Rift Basins after Withjack et al. (1998)

Sheet A-30 - CEUS-SSC Repeated Large-Magnitude Earthquake (RLME) Zones

Sheet A-31 - CEUS-SSC Mesozoic and Non-Mesozoic Zones and Seismotectonic Zones

CEUS-SSC Project Website